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Acupuncture Fertility TreatmentSu specialises in treating gynaecological problems with Acupuncture, Reiki and Chinese Nutrition Therapy. Over the years, she has helped many couples to conceive.

Whether you have been diagnosed with ‘unexplained infertility’, or have been told that you have endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, high FSH levels, fibroids/cysts or poor ovulation, a course of treatment may be able to help address these problems, leading to an increased chance of a successful pregnancy.

Acupuncture can also be very beneficial during an IVF/ICSI cycle. Treatment is mainly given to support the body during a cycle, but results have shown that by having acupuncture treatment and chinese nutrition therapy, a few months before starting an IVF cycle, the chances of conception are increased. See below for more details.

How does it work?

Chinese medicine views the body, including the reproductive organs, as an energy system that will be adversely affected by stress, environmental toxins, inadequate exercise and rest, a poor diet and so on. Any of these factors can affect the body’s hormonal responses, leading to some of the symptoms mentioned above. In such cases, the aim of treatment is to gently address the underlying imbalances and stimulate the body to naturally produce hormones at the correct levels and at the correct time in the monthly cycle. In time, the hormones that govern reproduction can be balanced and regulated to produce a healthy egg that is capable of being fertilized in a healthy uterus.


FamilyTreatment can be given to both partners. Chinese medicine, along with nutrition therapy, can also help to improve sperm quality, quantity and motility – if this is an area of weakness. Both partners are given advice to help optimise their health and prepare them for a successful pregnancy.

In order to plan your treatment, Su will ask you a series of in-depth questions to determine the weak or imbalanced area(s) in your body. Acupuncture and dietary / lifestyle changes are usually prescribed to restore balance and achieve optimum health. Treatments are recommended for three to six months depending on the severity of your symptoms and your response to treatment. Treatments are typically given once a week for six to eight weeks, then reduced to once a fortnight.

Acupuncture & IVF

BabySu has successfully helped support women who are undergoing IVF/ICSI treatments, to conceive. Acupuncture can help your body cope with side-effects of the powerful drugs given during a cycle. The effects of the drugs can be overwhelming, not only physically but, in many cases, emotionally too, so Acupuncture treatments are given to relax the mind and support the body throughout an IVF cycle.

Acupuncture may also help to improve egg quality and quantity during an IVF cycle, thereby increasing the chances of producing healthy embryos. Results have shown that by starting Acupuncture treatments a few months before your IVF/ICSI cycle, any underlying imbalances can be addressed, leading to a better womb environment for pregnancy. The healthier your menstrual cycles, the better your chance of conception, so the aim of treatments is to regulate your cycle as best as possible, before your hormones are controlled by IVF drugs. This usually results in a much better outcome and a healthier pregnancy.

Specific Acupuncture treatments are also offered before and after embryo transfer, based on a German protocol, to increase the chances of conception. The German study showed a higher pregnancy rate in those women that received the Acupuncture protocol; out of 80 patients, 42.5% women who received the acupuncture treatment, immediately before and after embryo transfer, conceived. Of those who did not receive acupuncture treatment, 26.3% women conceived.

Click here to see a synopsis of the German Study.

It is recommended that you commence Acupuncture treatment at least two months prior to starting the IVF process, with weekly treatments thereafter.